Innovation webinar from Vision RT

Vision RT, the inventor of Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT), is hosting a free interactive webinar on October 14th at 12pm ET (5pm BST): Innovation from Vision RT.
Join us and hear from expert speakers as they discuss their experience using our recent innovations, including SimRT™, a new clinically validated solution* to the challenges of 4DCT and breath-hold acquisition. (Switching to SimRT enabled one clinic to cut down their rescans by more than 80%). Experts will also share clinical data on AlignRT® InBore™ – our new SGRT solution (now shipping), enabling Halcyon™ and Ethos™ users to track patients outside and – for the first time ever – inside the bore**.
Don’t miss out! Be among the first in the field to find out more about these developments and how they can make a measurable impact on your clinical practice and patient outcomes.
**Halcyon™ and Ethos™ are registered trademarks of Varian Medical Systems. The use of Halcyon™ and Ethos™ herein is for identification purposes only. Use of these marks does not indicate sponsorship, affiliation, endorsement, or approval by Varian.
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Ready to take the next step?
Vision RT’s family of SGRT solutions guide radiation therapy for better patient care at every step: Sim, Planning, Treatment and Dose. Whether you’re looking for a quote, a product demo (virtual or in-person) or just more information, please get in touch.