
There are more than 250 peer-reviewed publications reporting studies that involve the use of Vision RT’s technology for SGRT. These span a wide range of indications from brain to breast to sarcoma. In addition, Vision RT supports the SGRT Community, an organization dedicated to education on SGRT by users, for users, which holds biannual meetings and communicates through a dedicated website.

Below you can find a list of the journal papers and conference proceedings that detail the use of the technology. Click on the links to view abstracts and full papers where available Use the menu directly below to see the publications listed and organized by treatment site.

Quantification of dosimetry improvement with or without patient surface guidance.

Sheng, K., Cao, M., Godley, A., Lin, M., Henze, L., Hammond, L., Delombaerde, L., Hierholz, K., and Kouptsidis, J., (2024)

Prospective Evaluation of the Clinical Benefits of a Novel Tattoo-less Workflow for Nonspine Bone Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Integrating Surface-Guidance With Triggered Imaging Reduces Treatment Time and Eliminates the Need for Tattoos.

Zhou, A. Z., Conway, L., Bartlett, S., Marques, A., Physic, M., Czerminska, M., Spektor, A., Killoran, J. H., Friesen, S., Bredfeldt, J., & Huynh, M. A. (2024)

Optimizing Choice of Skin Surrogates for Surface-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Lung Lesions Using Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography

Leipold, V., Alerić, I., Mihaela Mlinarić, Domagoj Kosmina, Stanić, F., Mladen Kasabašić, Damir Štimac, Hrvoje Kaučić, Ursi, G., Schwarz, K., Igor Nikolić, Klapan, D. and Schwarz, D. (2024)

Feasibility and Tolerability of Surface Guided Radiotherapy in Breath-Hold Liver Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy.

Turna, M., Küçükmorkoç, E., Rzazade, R., Canoğlu, M.D., Küçük, N. and Çağlar, H.B. (2023)

SGRT‐based stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer setup accuracy and margin of the PTV.

Guo, H., Wu, W., H, Y. and Zhang, H. (2023)

Automatic prediction model for online diaphragm motion tracking based on optical surface monitoring by machine learning.

Dai, Z., He, Q., Zhu, L., Zhang, B., Jin, H., Geng, Y., Cai, C., Xiang, T., Jian, W., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., Wu, J. and Wang, X. (2023)

Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Using Optical Surface Management System – AlignRT as an Optical Body Surface Motion Management in Deep Breath Hold Patients: Results from a Single-Arm Retrospective Study.

Kaučić et al. (2022)

Prospective Study of Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) for Breath Hold SBRT Treatments of the Lung: Analysis of Reliability of Surface Guidance Alone for Internal Tumor Position During Breath Hold.

Heinzerling, J. H.; Biester, E. C.; Robinson, M.; Moeller, B. J.; Prabhu, R. S.; Ward, M. C. et al. (2021)

Use of surface‐guided radiation therapy in combination with IGRT for setup and intrafraction motion monitoring during stereotactic body radiation therapy treatments of the lung and abdomen.

Heinzerling, J. H. et al.(2020)

Surface guided motion management in glottic larynx stereotactic body radiation therapy.

Zhao, B., Park, Y.K., Gu, X., Reynolds, R., Timmerman, R. and Sher, D.J. (2020)

Feasibility of Optical Surface-Guidance for Position Verification and Monitoring of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in Deep-Inspiration Breath-Hold.

Naumann, Batista et al. (2020)

Efficient quality assurance method with automated data acquisition of a single phantom setup to determine radiation and imaging isocenter congruence.

Kang, H., Patel, R.P. and Roeske, J.C. (2019)

The Role of Optical Surface Imaging Systems in Radiation Therapy.

Hoisak, J.D.P. and Pawlicki, T. (2018)

Characterization of optical‐surface‐imaging‐based spirometry for respiratory surrogating in radiotherapy.

Li, G., Wei, J., Huang, H., Chen, Q., Gaebler, C.P., Lin, T., Yuan, A., Rimner, A. and Mechalakos, J. (2016)

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Real-Time Motion Tracking of a Surface Imaging System for Lung Treatment.

Jin, H. and Su, Z. (2012

3D surface imaging for monitoring intrafraction motion in frameless stereotactic body radiotherapy of lung cancer.

Alderliesten, T. et al., 2012

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