
There are more than 250 peer-reviewed publications reporting studies that involve the use of Vision RT’s technology for SGRT. These span a wide range of indications from brain to breast to sarcoma. In addition, Vision RT supports the SGRT Community, an organization dedicated to education on SGRT by users, for users, which holds biannual meetings and communicates through a dedicated website.

Below you can find a list of the journal papers and conference proceedings that detail the use of the technology. Click on the links to view abstracts and full papers where available Use the menu directly below to see the publications listed and organized by treatment site.

Prospective Trial on the Impact of Weekly Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Guided Correction on Mean Heart Dose in Breast Cancer Breath-Hold Radiation Therapy.

Chan, A.W., Hoang, A., Chen, H., McGuffin, M., Vesprini, D., Zhang, L., Wronski, M. and Karam, I. (2024)

Setup margins based on the inter‐ and intrafractional setup error of left‐sided breast cancer radiotherapy using deep inspiration breath‐hold technique (DIBH) and surface guided radiotherapy (SGRT).

Rudat, V., Shi, Y., Zhao, R. and Yu, W. (2024)

Prospective Trial on the Impact of Weekly Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Guided Correction on Mean Heart Dose in Breast Cancer Breath-Hold Radiation Therapy

Chan, A.W., Hoang, A., Chen, H., McGuffin, M., Vesprini, D., Zhang, L., Wronski, M. and Karam, I. (2024)

Postoperative radiotherapy for right breast cancer with regional nodal irradiation utilizing the surface-guided radiotherapy based deep inspiration breath hold technique on a TrueBeam HD linear accelerator: A case report

Li, C., Wu, D., Guo, S., Zhang, B., Wei, Q. and Zhang, T. (2024)

Tattoo Free Set-up for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Regional Nodal Irradiation

Giantsoudi PhD, et al (2022)

Reproducibility of Deep-Inspiration Breath Hold treatments on HalcyonTM performed using the first clinical version of AlignRT InBoreTM: Results of CYBORE study.

Lorchel, F., Nguyen, D., et al.(2022)

Reproducibility of surface-based deep inspiration breath-hold technique for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy on a closed-bore gantry linac.

Nguyen, D., Reinoso, R., Farah, J., Yossi, S., Lorchel, F., Passerat, V., Louet, E., Pouchard, I., Khodri, M. and Barbet, N. (2023)

Reproducibility of chestwall and heart position using surface‐guided versus RPM‐guided DIBH radiotherapy for left breast cancer.

Lu, W., Li, G., Hong, L., Yorke, E., Tang, X., Mechalakos, J.G., Zhang, P., Cerviño, L.I., Powell, S. and Berry, S.L. (2022)

Introduction of SGRT in clinical practice.

Beer, K.T. (2022)

Benchmarking the AlignRT surface deformation module for the early detection and quantification of oedema in breast cancer radiotherapy.

Sorgato, V., Ghazouani, K., Queffelec, Y., Julia, F., Clement, S., Fric, D. and Farah, J. (2022)

Feasibility of surface guided radiotherapy for patient positioning in breast radiotherapy versus conventional tattoo-based setups- a systematic review.

Naidoo, W. and Leech, M. (2022)

Evidence‐based region of interest (ROI) definition for surface‐guided radiotherapy (SGRT) of abdominal cancers using deep‐inspiration breath‐hold (DIBH).

Song, Y., Zhai, X., Liang, Y., Zeng, C., Mueller, B. and Li, G. (2022)

Evaluation of image-guided and surface-guided radiotherapy for breast cancer patients treated in deep inspiration breath-hold: A single institution experience.

Penninkhof, J., Fremeijer, K., Offereins-van Harten, K., van Wanrooij, C., Quint, S., Kunnen, B., Hoffmans-Holtzer, N., Swaak, A., Baaijens, M. and Dirkx, M. (2022)

A uniform and versatile surface‐guided radiotherapy procedure and workflow for high‐quality breast deep‐inspiration breath‐hold treatment in a multi‐center institution

Li, G., Lu, W., O’Grady, K., Yan, I., Yorke, E., Arriba, L.I.C., Powell, S. and Hong, L. (2022)

Surface-guided radiation therapy for breast cancer: more precise positioning.

González-Sanchis, A., Brualla-González, L., Fuster-Diana, C., Gordo-Partearroyo, J.C., Piñeiro-Vidal, T., García-Hernandez, T. and López-Torrecilla, J.L. (2021)

Region of interest optimization for surface guided radiation therapy of breast cancer.

Sauer, T., Ott, O.J., Lahmer, G., Fietkau, R. and Bert, C. (2021)

Permanent marker free surface-guided breast radiotherapy: Implementing a new technique

Goldsmith, C., Dobson, D., Littler, A., Sawyer, E.J., Moriggi, G. and Chauhan, R. (2021)

Radiotherapy without tattoos: Could this work?

Rigley, J., Robertson, P. and Scattergood, L. (2020)

Surface Guided Radiotherapy (SGRT) vs Varian RPM for deep inspiration breathhold (DIBH) breast treatments.

Hickey, D., Rock, L., Clerkin, K., Mohan A. (2018-2020)

Evaluation of a 3D surface imaging system for deep inspiration breath-hold patient positioning and intra-fraction monitoring

Hamming, V.C., Visser, C., Batin, E., McDermott, L.N., Busz, D.M., Both, S., Langendijk, J.A. and Sijtsema, N.M. (2019)

Radiotherapy setup displacements in breast cancer patients: 3D surface imaging experience.

Cravo Sá, A., Fermento, A., Neves, D., Ferreira, S., Silva, T., Marques Coelho, C., Vaandering, A., Roma, A., Quaresma, S. and Bonnarens, E. (2018)

Utility of Deep Inspiration Breath Hold for Left-Sided Breast Radiation Therapy in Preventing Early Cardiac Perfusion Defects: A Prospective Study.

Zagar, T.M., Kaidar-Person, O., Tang, X., Jones, E.E., Matney, J., Das, S.K., Green, R.L., Sheikh, A., Khandani, A.H., McCartney, W.H., Oldan, J.D., Wong, T.Z. and Marks, L.B. (2017)

Deep inspiration breath hold with ‘AlignRT’ in 3D conformal mediastinal radiotherapy for lymphoma.

Brady, J.L., et al. (2016)

Analysis of Factors Affecting Benefit from Deep Inspiration Breath Hold Technique in Mediastinal Radiation Therapy for Lymphoma.

Brady, J.L., et al. (2016)

Quantifying Patient Motion During Deep-Inspiration Breath-Hold Using the ABC System with Simultaneous Surface Photogrammetry.

Cheung, Y., Rahimi, A. & Sawant, A., (2015).

Deep inspiration breath-hold technique in left-sided breast cancer radiation therapy: Evaluating cardiac contact distance as a predictor of cardiac exposure for patient selection.

Rochet, N., Drake, J.I., Harrington, K., Wolfgang, J.A., Napolitano, B., Sadek, B.T., Shenouda, M.N., Keruakous, A.R., Niemierko, A. and Taghian, A.G. (2015)

Prospective assessment of deep inspiration breath-hold using 3-dimensional surface tracking for irradiation of left-sided breast cancer

Tanguturi, S.K., Lyatskaya, Y., Chen, Y., Catalano, P.J., Chen, M.H., Yeo, W.-P., Marques, A., Truong, L., Yeh, M., Orlina, L., Wong, J.S., Punglia, R.S. and Bellon, J.R. (2015)

Dosimetric effect due to the motion during deep inspiration breath hold for left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy.

Tang, X., Cullip, T., Dooley, J., Zagar, T., Jones, E., Chang, S., Zhu, X., Lian, J. and Marks, L. (2015)

Assessment of interfractional variation of the breast surface following conventional patient positioning for whole-breast radiotherapy.

Padilla, L., Kang, H., Washington, M., Hasan, Y., Chmura, S.J. and Al-Hallaq, H. (2014)

A Review of the Magnitude of Patient Imaging Shifts in Relation to Departmental Policy Changes.

O’ Connor, M. and Sansourekidou, P. (2014)

Clinical experience with 3-dimensional surface matching-based deep inspiration breath hold for left-sided breast cancer radiation therapy.

Tang X, et al. (2014).

Improving Intra-Fractional Target Position Accuracy Using a 3D Surface Surrogate for Left Breast Irradiation Using the Respiratory-Gated Deep-Inspiration Breath-Hold Technique.

Rong, Y., Walston, S., Welliver, M.X., Chakravarti, A. and Quick, A.M. (2014)

Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Cardiac Sparing in Patients with Left-Sided Breast Cancer.

Lemanski, C., Thariat, J., Ampil, F.L., Bose, S., Vock, J., Davis, R., Chi, A., Dutta, S., Woods, W., Desai, A., Godinez, J., Karlsson, U., Mills, M., Nguyen, N.P. and Vinh-Hung, V. (2014)

Clinical evaluation of interfractional variations for whole breast radiotherapy using 3-dimensional surface imaging.

Shah, A.P., Dvorak, T., Curry, M.S., Buchholz, D.J. and Meeks, S.L. (2013)

Video surface image guidance for external beam partial breast irradiation.

Chang, A.J., Zhao, H., Wahab, S.H., Moore, K., Taylor, M., Zoberi, I., Powell, S.N. and Klein, E.E. (2012)

The Accuracy of AlignRT Guided Set-Up for Whole Breast and Chestwall Irradiation.

Wiant, D., Pursley, J. and Sintay, B. (2012)

Detection of setup uncertainties with 3D surface registration system for conformal radiotherapy of breast cancer.

Deantonio, L., Masini, L., Loi, G., Gambaro, G., Bolchini, C. and Krengli, M. (2011)

Validation of Align RT System for Breast Radiation Therapy with Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) Technique.

Lyatskaya, Y., Cormack, R. and Bellon, J. (2011)

Comparison of target registration errors for multiple image-guided techniques in accelerated partial breast irradiation.

Gierga, D.P., Riboldi, M., Turcotte, J.C., Sharp, G.C., Jiang, S.B., Taghian, A.G. and Chen, G.T.Y. (2008)

Inter-fraction and Intra-fraction Breast Motion Localized using AlignRT for Early Breast Cancer.

Miller, D. et al., 2008

Position Verification of Breast Treatment with Breath-Hold Technique Using 3D-Surface and Fluoroscopic Imaging.

Flampouri, S., Snead, F., Huh, S., Symonds-Tayler, R., Louis, D.N., Li, Z.B. and Palta, J.R. (2008)

Accuracy of a commercial optical 3D surface imaging system for realignment of patients for radiotherapy of the thorax.

Philipp Schöffel, Harms, W., G. Sroka-Perez, Schlegel, W. and Karger, C.P. (2007)

Quantitative Assessment of Surface Deformation in Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation.

Riboldi, M., et al. (2007)

Clinical experience with a 3D surface patient setup system for alignment of partial-breast irradiation patients.

Bert, C., Metheany, K.G., Doppke, K.P., Taghian, A.G., Powell, S.N. and Chen, G.T.Y. (2006)

The incidence and functional consequences of RT-associated cardiac perfusion defects.

Marks, L.B., Yu, X., Prosnitz, R.G., Zhou, S., Hardenbergh, P.H., Blazing, M.A., Hollis, D., Lind, P., Tisch, A., Wong, T.Z. and Borges-Neto, S. (2005)

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