Our market-leading SGRT solution

AlignRT is at the center of Vision RT’s Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) solutions. It’s a system that tracks a patient’s position before and during radiation therapy, to aid in setup and treatment accuracy.

An entirely non-invasive and contact-free technology, AlignRT uses 3D stereo cameras to track the skin’s surface and compare it to the ideal position in the treatment plan with submillimetric† accuracy.

It can automatically signal for the treatment delivery system to pause the radiation beam if the patient moves out of position, and eliminates the need for radiation therapy tattoos or headframes and closed masks for SRS.

AlignRT has been shown to help deliver “optimal patient positioning”, across many different cancer treatment sites. Many clinics first adopt SGRT because of its advantages in delivering Deep Inspiration Breath-hold treatments, but it can be used for every patient and for every fraction. There are already more than 250 peer-reviewed clinical studies on the effectiveness of SGRT with AlignRT and Vision RT’s systems are being used in all 15 of the top 15 US News “Best Hospitals for Cancer*”

We have comprehensive interoperability and assured long-term collaboration with both of the major linac vendors.

AlignRT Advance

All new AlignRT installs come with the latest version of our software: AlignRT Advance. If you’re an existing customer and you haven’t already upgraded, contact our sales and support team using the form below and we’ll get you upgraded asap. Advance features a faster and easier-to-use interface, with many optional ground-breaking modules, giving your system additional functionality:

Postural Video

  • Gain clear positional guidance from multiple angles during setup and monitoring
  • High resolution and fast frame rate help further reduce setup time by 29% vs. standard SGRT

Learn more

3D Photo Display

  • Focus on the detail with our 3D Photo Display option
  • Clearly identify hair, clothing, and other obstructions when selecting regions for tracking

ROI Metrics

  • Ensure the region of interest size and topography is suitable for accurate monitoring
  • Helps to draw a good ROI with immediate feedback displayed when saving a new or amended ROI

  1. Giantsoudi PhD, et al. Tattoo Free Set-up for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Regional Nodal Irradiation, Practical Radiation Oncology (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prro.2022.08.001
  2. Mueller et al. Accuracy and Efficiency of Patient Setup Using Surface Imaging versus Skin Tattoos for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adro.2023.101183
  3. Sauer, TO. et al. Prerequisites for the clinical implementation of a markerless SGRT-only workflow for the treatment of breast cancer patients. Strahlenther Onkol 199, 22–29 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00066-022-01966-7
  4. Wei et al. Quantifying the impact of optical surface guidance in the treatment of cancers of the head and neck. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 21 (2020), pp. 73-82 https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.12867
  5. Hickey et al. Surface Guided Radiotherapy (SGRT) vs Varian RPM for deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) breast treatments (2018-2020).
  6. Kang, S., Jin, H., Chang, J.H. et al. Evaluation of initial patient setup methods for breast cancer between surface-guided radiation therapy and laser alignment based on skin marking in the Halcyon system. Radiat Oncol 18, 60 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13014-023-02250-3
  7. Flores-Martinez et al. Assessment of the use of different imaging and delivery techniques for cranial treatments on the halcyon linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys (2020) 21:53–61. https://doi.org/10.1002/acm2.12772


† Includes the most challenging clinically realistic configurations; couch rotations, pod occlusions and deep isocenters. When tracking rigid phantom under specific conditions. Report describing tests available to customers upon request.

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Ready to take the next step?

Vision RT’s family of SGRT solutions guide radiation therapy for better patient care at every step: Sim, Planning, Treatment and Dose. Whether you’re looking for a quote, a product demo (virtual or in-person) or just more information, please get in touch.