“Traditionally SBRT technologies have offered gains in accuracy but often at the cost of things like efficiency, customization, and comfort for the patient; current evidence seems to suggest that SGRT has overcome this trade-off challenge.”

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT, also known as SABR) requires high positional accuracy. AlignRT can track motion with better than 1mm accuracy, and as a result, is used for both standard and breath-hold SBRT. AlignRT has been shown to help treat SBRT patients with relatively little immobilization, which leads to enhanced comfort. In addition, patients may be treated without fiducial placement, while potentially avoiding repeat imaging during the procedure.
AlignRT can reduce the complexity of treatment setups. including shifts after X-ray imaging, and allows users to set independent thresholds for breathing patterns. Tumor motion can result in avoidable large target volumes and unacceptable irradiation of normal tissue volume, AlignRT can help mitigate these risks with real-time patient tracking and automatic radiation pause. If the patient moves out of position. Breath-hold techniques can help stabilize tumor movement, and planned treatment volume may be minimized and 4D planning eliminated.
The benefits of SBRT with AlignRT
10 reasons why SBRT with AlignRT is the best choice
1. Automatic Beam-Hold
AlignRT offers automatic beam-hold on all the main Linac platforms if the patient moves or rotates in any direction
2. Reliable Detection
Continuous monitoring through the entire treatment process, ensuring reliable detection of any clinically relevant movement; including pre, during and post-verification imaging.
3. Peer-Reviewed Data
Peer-reviewed, published data on AlignRT, showing it offers equivalent accuracy to other solutions used for SBRT; including systems which rely on additional internal imaging.⁸, ⁹”
4. Four-Week Training Program
We offer a four-week installation and training program, run by a local team with clinical experience. We will be with you, on-site, when you go live.
5. Peer to Peer Learning Opportunities
You will have access to free online courses and the chance to join an active SGRT Community to connect with your peers. We also offer a mentorship programme where you can learn from one of more than 200 centers already performing SABR with SGRT.
6. Best-In-Class Support Team
Our sole aim is to provide minimum disruption and maximum effectiveness for your team and the system you’ve invested in. Our support has been rated “best in class” in the radiation oncology space.
7. Patient Comfort
AlignRT is completely contactless and doesn’t require additional immobilization or fixation, meaning less anxiety and more comfort for your patients.
8. Accuracy and Tattooless
The AlignRT workflow is simple, efficient and proven to provide quicker and more accurate set-ups, which removes the need for marks and tattoos. Shorter set-up times and less imaging means more efficiency. Your center will be able to treat more patients daily.⁶, ¹⁰, ¹¹
9. Integration With All R&V Systems
AlignRT is fully integrated with all R&V systems; allowing quick, seamless data transfer and automatic patient selection. You will be able to place patients at isocentre more quickly and with less manual handling, thanks to AlignRT’s automated couch movements. This also means intra-fraction corrections can be applied automatically, from outside the treatment room.
10. AlignRT Can Be Used On All Sites
We offer business case support and flexible financing options. Investing in AlignRT will offer benefits to your clinical practice beyond SBRT, as AlignRT can be used for multiple indications, with similar workflows.”
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- Heinzerling JH, et al. Use of 3D optical surface mapping for quantification of interfraction set up error and intrafraction motion during stereotactic body radiation therapy treatments of the lung and abdomen. IJROBP 2017;99 (2):E670
- Leong B et al. Impact of Use of Optical Surface Imaging on Initial Patient Setup for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Treatments. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 2019; 20 (12):149-158
- Herron E, et al. Surface guided radiation therapy as a replacement for patient marks in treatment of breast cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2018;102 (3):e492-e493
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- Lawson J. Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) in SRS and SBRT. Advances in Accuracy and Elevating Patient Experience, Sydney 2019
Get in touch
Ready to take the next step?
Vision RT’s family of SGRT solutions guide radiation therapy for better patient care at every step: Sim, Planning, Treatment and Dose. Whether you’re looking for a quote, a product demo (virtual or in-person) or just more information, please get in touch.