Reduction in treatment time and increased throughput

Reduction in treatment time and increased throughput

Vision RT and Northside Hospital Cancer Institute (NHCI), Alpharetta conducted a case study to assess how AlignRT has assisted the clinic in addressing key treatment and workflow challenges.

The center opened in 2012 and, for the past five years, has been using AlignRT as their Surface Guided Radiation Therapy (SGRT) solution to treat these typical cancer types: Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), and Breast Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH).

Vision RT’s SGRT solution, AlignRT, tracks a patient’s position before and during radiation therapy to deliver a streamlined and efficient workflow for accurate treatment set-up and delivery. AlignRT also increases patient comfort as it can eliminate the need for tattoos and additional radiation.

Scroll down to learn more about NHCI’s initial challenges and how the institute reduced treatment time and increased throughput with our solutions.

You can download a PDF version of this case study here. 


NHCI Alpharetta wanted to improve its patient setup, treatment accuracy, and efficiency for DIBH and frameless SRS using AlignRT instead of traditional three-point markers. Ultimately, the staff wanted to offer tattoo and mark-free treatment to patients, while having the confidence that it delivered the same efficacy as skin markers.


Accurate, real-time monitoring of intrafraction motion for DIBHSBRTSRS, and other procedures.

Patient Satisfaction

Elimination of tattoos and marks to lower patient anxiety, in order for the patient to focus on rest and healing.


Improve setup times & reproducibility, especially for difficult anatomies, with less radiographic imaging.



Data collection & verification: 

• Conducted a 3-month data/trial period and collected data on all patients, comparing treatment with and without marks/tattoos.
• Analysis indicated that they were able to achieve the same, if not better, treatment accuracy and precision via markless patient setup with SGRT.

Training program: 

• 3-Phase training empowered staff to integrate AlignRT’s many applications with minimal disruption.
• Attended the SGRT Community Annual Meetings, Vision RT Symposiums, and SGRT Live Interactive Webinars conducted by Vision RT.


Decrease in patient block time 

Patient treatment block times were reduced consistently by 50%  (20 to 10 minutes for typical treatments) due to less repeat imaging and more accurate initial setup with AlignRT.

Tattooless treatment reduced in-room time

Mark / tattoo-free treatment and setup times with AlignRT produced an average reduction of in-room time by 14% compared to setup with skin marks and tattoos.

Appointment times reduced 

Initial setup/verification appointment times were also reduced by as much as 50%.

Increase in patient volume 

Breast patient volume and overall patient volume grew 10% after successful implementation of mark / tattoo-free treatment technique.

Future Plans

To prepare for the upcoming Radiation Oncology (RO) Model, NHCI’s goal for their 7 locations is to continue to expand the implementation of hypofractionation with AlignRT to deliver accurate radiation therapy and safely increase throughput.

NHCI plans to continue to use Vision RT’s Patient Education Toolkit to drive awareness for patients and referring providers. Also, they will utilize to highlight their radiation oncologist and award-winning cancer institute to drive patients to their center.


Hear from our users

“I love the fact that if an immobilization device malfunctions, then the therapist can use the information stored in the AlignRT system to create a new one rather than have the patient re-scanned and re-planned.”

Nancy Wiggers, M.D.
Radiation Oncologist Department Chair, Northside Hospital Cancer Institute


“Real-time surface guidance with AlignRT remarkably increases our understanding of intrafraction motion, so we employ it as a vital tool for motion management far beyond special procedures like DIBH and SRS.”

Daniel Bailey, PhD, DABR
Physicist, Northside Hospital Cancer Institute

10 ways SGRT with AlignRT can help your clinical practice

AlignRT offers automatic beam-hold on all Linac platforms if the patient moves or rotates in any direction.

Continuous monitoring through the entire treatment process, ensuring reliable detection of any clinically relevant movement; including pre, during and post-verification imaging.

Peer-reviewed, published data on AlignRT, showing it offers equivalent accuracy to other solutions; including systems which rely on additional internal imaging.

We offer a four-week installation and training program, run by a team with clinical experience. We will be with you, on-site, when you go live.

You will have access to free online courses and the chance to join an active SGRT Community to connect with your peers. We also offer a mentorship program where you can learn from centers already using SGRT.

Our sole aim is to provide minimum disruption and maximum effectiveness for your team and the system you’ve invested in. Our support has been rated “best in class” in the radiation oncology space.

AlignRT is completely contactless and doesn’t require additional immobilization or fixation. This helps with infection prevention and means less anxiety and more comfort for your patients.

With a simple and efficient workflow, AlignRT enables quicker and more accurate set-ups, which means your center can treat more patients every day. Less time in treatment, along with the option to forgo marks or tattoos means more patient satisfaction.

AlignRT is fully integrated with all R&V systems; allowing quick, seamless data transfer and automatic patient selection. You will be able to place patients at isocentre more quickly and with less manual handling, thanks to AlignRT’s automated couch movements. This also means intra-fraction corrections can be applied automatically, from outside the treatment room.

We offer business case support and flexible financing options. AlignRT can be used for multiple indications, with similar workflows, making it a sound investment for your clinical practice.

Get in touch

Ready to take the next step?

Vision RT’s family of SGRT solutions guide radiation therapy for better patient care at every step: Sim, Planning, Treatment and Dose. Whether you’re looking for a quote, a product demo (virtual or in-person) or just more information, please get in touch.