It can be difficult to deliver radiation safely and efficiently to tumors in the limbs, and challenging to position accurately over multiple treatments, due to the range of possible movement. However, as with all radiation therapy treatments, accurate patient positioning is key to ensuring the actual patient dose matches that of the plan. AlignRT can help reduce the need for immobilization and increase accuracy when treating extremities.

A study from Massachusetts General Hospital¹ using AlignRT on sarcoma patients concluded that “Surface imaging may reduce setup errors and is a feasible technique for daily image guidance.”

With AlignRT, you can position the limb in the same way as it was positioned during the CT scan, aligning and tracking in all six degrees of freedom.

1. Gierga et al. Analysis of setup uncertainties for extremity sarcoma patients using surface imaging. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2014 Jul-Aug;4(4):261-6

*These customer quotes report on clinical use and performance of Vision RT’s products by independent users. These are not validated by Vision RT and thus are not endorsed by Vision RT. Users of Vision RT’s products should develop and validate their own workflows consistent with clinical practice within their facility.

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Vision RT’s family of SGRT solutions guide radiation therapy for better patient care at every step: Sim, Planning, Treatment and Dose. Whether you’re looking for a quote, a product demo (virtual or in-person) or just more information, please get in touch.